• The Stealth Uses Just 0.8 Gallons Per Flush!

    The Stealth UHET (Ultra-High Effiecient Toilet) from Niagara Water Conservation uses only .8 gallons of water per flush. C.J. Erickson Plumbing is proud to be a local distributor of Niagara Water Conservation products. At .8 gallons per flush, most of us in the service department were skeptical about how The Stealth would perform. So, before

  • All Toilets Are Not Alike!

    Many homeowners do not rank their household toilet very high on the list of priorities. However, it is a key fixture of a modern and well-functioning home. When building a home, or remodeling your bathroom, it is important to find the right toilet, both functionally and aesthetically.

  • C.J. Erickson Plumbing Community Service Corps is Back In Action!

    In 2006, as part of C.J. Erickson’s Centennial Celebration, the Community Service Corps was created. The purpose of the Community Service Corps was to establish and coordinate volunteer opportunities for C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co. employees. During that year our employees volunteered at local soup kitchens and even sponsored a house for the “Rebuild Together” project.

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