• December


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CJE Community Service Corps Sets New Goals for 2011

We have finished up 2010 with a grand total of 388 hours donated in pro-bono plumbing work and CJE Community Service Corp volunteer work. Today the committee met to review the year and start planning for 2011.

The CJE Community Service Corps has set a new goal of 450 volunteer hours in 2011. In the coming year, we will continue to volunteer at the Greater Chicago Food Depository and Together We Cope. We will also be providing pro-bono service work to Ronald McDonald House Charities.  In our hometown of Alsip, we are excited to start work on a project for “Adopt a Road.”

Since we were not able to have a marquee event in 2010, we have started planning early to get one on the calendar for the upcoming year. A few ideas include:

  • A multi-site car wash
  • A family volunteer day at one of our favorite charities
  • Participating in the Habitat for Humanity or Rebuild Together Chicago house program

Thank you to all the Community Corps volunteers and the charities helping C.J. Erickson Plumbing Company achieve our goals for 2010! If you have any suggestions on organizations that need help or requests for volunteers, then please call 708-371-4900 and ask for Shawn. Have a safe Holiday and a Happy New Year!


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